Sacraments at St. Luke’s
We love baptisms here at St. Luke’s. If you are seeking baptism for your child or yourself, please come join us for a service and then speak with Father Michael. Private baptisms are rare-and not encouraged as we believe baptism is the entrance into the Christian Community and the community should be present. Holy Baptism is especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil, the Day of the Pentecost, the Sunday after All Saints and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord. Baptisms are scheduled on other Sundays as well.
We believe that any person, regardless of age who has been baptized may receive communion. Here at St. Luke's we believe it is the parent and godparents responsibility to decide when their child receives communion.
As part of their Christian development, those baptized as infants may make a mature public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their Baptism and receive the laying on of hands by the bishop after they have received proper instruction.
St. Luke's offers Confirmation classes to those who have at least finished the sixth grade and apply to be admitted to Confirmation Class. Completion of the class allows the student to be confirmed at the next visit from a Bishop or at another church having confirmation, as arranged with the Priest-in-Charge, Fr. Michael Way.
Those who have already been confirmed in another Christian denomination have the opportunity to be received into the Episcopal church. In addition, those who wish to reaffirm their commitment may do so at the Bishop's confirmation visitation.
Christian marriage is a solemn and public covenant between two consenting adults in the presence of God. The Episcopal Church requires that one, at least, of the parties - be a baptized Christian; that the ceremony be attested by at least two witnesses; and that the marriage conform to the laws of the State and the canons of this Church.
At St. Luke's weddings are scheduled through the Priest-in-Charge, Fr. Michael Way. You do not have to be a member to be married at St. Luke's. A minimum of 4 premarital sessions is required of all couples. If one or both people are divorced, permission from the Bishop of New Jersey is required. Further questions should be directed to the Priest-in-Charge.
Funerals & Memorial Services
The death of a Church member should be reported as soon as possible by calling the church office (732-548-4308) so that arrangements for the funeral may be made in consultation with a Minister of the Congregation. Baptized Christians are properly buried from the church. The service should be held at a time when the congregation has the opportunity to be present. We also have a Memorial Garden on the church grounds where people’s ashes may be interred. For more general information about funerals at St. Luke’s, please contact the Priest-in-Charge, Fr. Michael Way.
Getting Involved in Church Services
Acolytes, who include crucifers and torch bearers, serve on the altar during services. We encourage children to become acolytes beginning in the second grade. Adults are welcome to join us in this ministry of service at the altar.
Eucharistic Ministers are an integral part of the service assisting the priest at the altar. This ministry is open to anyone 16 years of age or older.
Lectors serve our community by reading the first reading and leading the Psalm. This ministry is open to anyone in second grade or older.
Ushers greet parishioners and visitors when they arrive at the service and hand out bulletins. This ministry is also open to anyone second grade or older.
Coordinator - Mirian Drehmer -
Additional Service Positions
Coffee Hour Hosts: Coffee hour at St. Luke’s provides a wonderful opportunity for parishioners to enjoy a time of fellowship following the 10:00 am Sunday Service. Coordinator - Linda Palmieri
Altar Guild: Making the church beautiful for our worship services is the task of these devoted and gifted Lukans. Coordinators - Ellie Rosen & Karen Gough