Wardens and Vestry
The Vestry is a board of nine (9) Vestry members, two (2) wardens, and the Priest-in-Charge, who make decisions concerning the business and budget of the church. Vestry Members are elected for a three-year term which begins after the election at the Annual Parish Meeting. The Vestry is led by two Wardens (a Senior Warden and a Junior Warden) who are also elected at the Annual Parish Meeting but serve a two-year term.
The Vestry meets the third Tuesday of the month.
Priest-in-Charge: Father Michael J. Way
Wardens*: Monica Tramontin, Brenda Yuro
Vestry Members* Nick Birns, Karen Gough, Michael Grosso, Linda Palmieri, Jane Smith, Kathy McNulty, Tom Streko, Karen Stubaus, Erika Nonni
* Note: Term ends after the election at the Annual Parish Meeting
Building & Grounds Committee
This is a committee of 6 to 7 men and women who oversee the physical plant. The committee usually meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm.
IT Committee
The IT Committee at St. Luke's oversees all the technical aspects of our work as a congregation. This includes a project to enhance our live streaming capabilities, overseeing access to the church's internet network (including Wi-Fi access), and considering ways in which technology can improve our service to our members and to our community. The IT Committee created and maintains our website.
At coffee hour, you will often find a member of our committee answering tech questions or assisting a parishioner with one of their devices. If you have an interest in technology or would like to join our committee, please contact our chair. Committee Chair - Karen Siegel karensiegel@stlukesmetuchen.org