Pastoral Care Team
The pastoral care team ministers to those who are ill, in the hospital, or in nursing homes. Members of the team will bring prayer shawls or lap blankets to those in the hospital or undergoing surgery and will visit with them periodically as they recover.
Coordinator: Charlotte Gudorp PastoralCare@StLukesMetuchen.org
Eucharistic Visitors
This ministry involves visiting the home-bound and those in nursing homes. Teams of two go out monthly, usually on a Sunday following the 10 am service. Communion is offered at these visitations, if desired. This ministry is open to anyone age 18 or older. A license to be a Eucharistic Minister/Visitor from the Diocese is issued at the request of the Priest-in-Charge.
Coordinator: Charlotte Gudorp
PastoralCare@StLukesMetuchen.org -