The Arts at St. Luke’s

  • Nails in the Wall Gallery

    This permanent gallery space - a ministry of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church - continues a long tradition of providing a home for the arts. The gallery represents two years of preliminary work by the community of St. Luke's to prepare a direction and mission, ready a gallery ministry committee, determine the optimum location, and attend to the many details inherent in creating a permanent showcase for the visual arts.

    One of the questions that arose was the best process to use for actually hanging the work. Various systems were discussed, but one group member dismissed most of them out of hand. “Well, what IS the best way as you see it?” the group leader questioned. “NAILS IN THE WALL” was the immediate response! “Excellent,” responded the coordinator, "and that will also be the gallery name!"

    The group thought about that for several months, but the longer they considered it, the more the name grew on them. It did have a certain “biblical flavor” . . . and what’s more, that is how the work in St. Luke's Gallery is hung . . . by nails solidly placed in the wall!

    We hope you feel welcome here, visit the space regularly, bring friends and allow the work to dialogue with your spirit.

    The mission of Nails in the Wall Gallery, a Ministry of St. Luke's is to broaden the program

    offerings of St. Luke's Episcopal Church by:

    Providing an inclusive, welcoming, and supportive place for members of St. Luke's, artists and the wider community to grow in their spirituality through the medium of art,

    Offering exhibit themes and programs that seek to respect the dignity of every human being through our mutual connection to all of God's creations,

    Intentionally encouraging people of all ages, abilities, and XXXXXX to experience and participate in well-curated exhibits and exhibit-related programming.

    For upcoming show opportunities check our events page that lists opportunities and openings. Submissions to listed art shows can be made here.

  • St. Luke's Parish Choir

    Our Chancel Choir is composed of men and women who are committed to leading the musical portions of our liturgies under the guidance of our music minister. Hymns, psalms, service settings, and anthems from many traditions are given equal attention. All are welcome regardless of skill, training, technique, or knowledge of music. The parish choir sings at the 10 am service each week, as well as on church holidays and special occasions. In appreciation for all of their hard work, the choir gets the summer off.

    Every Sunday
    Warm-up at 9 am in the choir room
    10am Service
    12pm Rehearsal in the choir room

    If you are interested in joining the Parish Choir, please reach out to our Interim Music Minster, Victoria Borrelli,

  • Saint Veronica's Guild

    St. Veronica's Guild at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Metuchen was founded by Deborah Kmetz in 2014 to provide a place for photographers at all skill levels to discuss their photographs, learn new techniques, and get questions about their equipment answered. It was named for St. Veronica, the patron saint of photographers and laundry workers. Members are from the St. Luke's community and the general public.

    From its founding until the spring of 2020, when the COVID lockdowns began, the group met in the Fryer Room at St. Luke's. Each meeting had about 12 to 20 participants. People brought photographs to show and discuss, either as digital files or prints. Occasionally, someone would show the result of a special project or images from a recent trip. Members of the group often traveled to a nearby location in order to photograph together and compare their results at a following meeting. Members have also regularly entered Nails in the Wall Gallery, a Ministry of St. Luke's exhibits and attended gallery events.

    Since 2020, meetings have been held via Zoom. In addition to the local participants, we have regular attendees from upstate NY, distant parts of New Jersey, and Ontario, Canada. We expect to begin in-person meetings again in October 2022. However, we will likely continue to have one virtual meeting each month to allow those outside the area to continue with us. We also hope to do field trips again.

    Second and fourth Wednesdays
    7:00 - 8:30 pm.

    For more information please contact Mark Harris email at: