Praying Together With Anglican Prayer Beads: 8 am Friday Mornings via Zoom
Join us on zoom as we pray together using Anglican Prayer Beads
Practicing prayer as part of a group is a memorable experience. The use of these beads helps to bring us to a prayer place (contemplative or meditative prayer), really thinking about and being mindful of praying, of being in the presence of God by use of mind, body, and spirit. Touching each bead as you pray helps to keep your mind from wandering, and the rhythm of the prayers helps bring you into stillness.
Do I need beads? No, you do not need to have beads to join us and participate in this form of prayer.
How do I get a set of Anglican Prayer beads? Beads can be handmade from kits or purchased online.
How long do you meet? The prayer portion can be 5-10 minutes. We also socialize.
Do you meet at other times? We are considering adding additional times to meet. If you are not available at 8am on Friday mornings, please let us know by emailing the coordinator, Robin Brown, at
I find it's a way to settle my mind and let go of my fears. I first began daily practice as part of my bedtime ritual as I was coming up to annual screening tests. The phrases then become part of my soul and come out as needed. It's now part of my daily practice. As a librarian, I have collected many different prayers written for this structure. ~RobinAbout Anglican Prayer Beads
Anglican Prayer Beads are created with many Christian symbols in mind to enrich the prayer experience. They help the person praying with them to focus their attention and move more quickly into the Presence of God. The prayer beads comprise twenty-eight (28) smaller beads divided into four groups of seven beads called "weeks." In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the number seven represents spiritual perfection and completion. Between each "week" is a single bead, called a "cruciform bead," as these four (4) beads form a cross. The invitatory/dismissal bead between the cross and the wheel of beads brings the total number of beads to the number of years in Jesus’ earthly life (33 beads total). More resources for praying with Anglican Prayer Beads can be found on our Prayer & Spiritual Resources page.
Please email the coordinator, Robin Brown, to get the zoom link:
Bible Study Two Ways:
9:00 to 9:45 am Sunday Mornings in the Fryer Room
Come for Bible and coffee in the Fryer Room, beginning October 2 with the Gospel of Luke.
8 to 9 pm Thursday Evenings on Zoom
We preview the scripture reading for the next Sunday. Please email Mo. Barbara Crafton for the Zoom link: -
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